Darren McClerren

Evangelist Darren McClerren is the Founder and President of Darren McClerren Ministries. Mr. McClerren’s desire and purpose is to share the love of Christ around the world while helping others receive salvation in Jesus Christ, as well as, the healing and deliverance that Jesus Christ has made available to all.
Mr. McClerren was born October 22nd 1977 and was raised on a livestock and grain farm in Thompsonville, IL. At the age of nine years old he gave his heart to Christ at a Vacation Bible School on June 16th 1987 and soon after received his water baptism. From this point forward he continued to work on the farm while learning the trade of carpentry from his father and grandfather. On June 19th 1999 he married Cindy (Nolen) McClerren and they have two children; Julie and Ashlee.
Mr. McClerren answered the call to preach the Gospel on April 30th 2003 while serving as a youth pastor and singing in a Southern Gospel Trio. Since having answered the call to preach, he has traveled and delivered the Gospel in many churches in Illinois, Alabama, and North Carolina. He also had the privilege to be the pastor of four small rural Baptist churches, two in Southern Illinois and two in North Carolina while working full time in the construction industry which often kept him and his family relocating for work.
In 2008 Mr. McClerren had a deep desire to have a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and began to really search the scriptures with the help of the Holy Spirit, to know ALL of God’s truth. God honored his request and soon after he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and now operates in the gifts of the spirit daily in his life. God has used him, through the laying on of hands and, at time, through the gift of healing, to help several to receive the healing that Christ made available by His stripes. He has seen many healed from diseases and demonic influence by the power exercised by faith in the Name of Jesus.
Currently Mr. McClerren and His wife Cindy reside in Fayetteville, NC teaching Divine Health and ministering healing as often as they can, while seeking the Lord’s continued direction for the ministry He has so graciously allowed them to be a part of. Praise God for His Faithfulness!!!